Reservations and prices

Book directly

Ready to book? On the calendar below you can see the availability of Casa da Rosa. You can book directly with our booking tool also below - just se;e the the dates, confirm the size of your party, and provide your personal information. If you want more information before booking, please use the contact form below.

Transparent rates

We offer pricing with no surprises. You pay the price shown, plus a cleaning charge of €250, and an electricity charged based on meter readings for your actual consumption. Finally, for up to two extra people, we charge an extra £13.60/person/night. That’s it. When you select your dates in the booking tool, you will immediately see the total price.

We collect a €1000 damage deposit in cash or by card payment on arrival that is refunded, assuming no damage, minus the charge for your electricity usage a week after the end of your stay. 

Check availability on the calendar. Dates marked in pink are already booked. Diagonally marked days can be booked as prior guests will depart by 10.00 and incoming guests after 16.00.
Book directly? Use the form below.
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